Live Life The Way God Intended
The first man and woman to live on the earth were created to be free beings. Adam and Eve were made in the image and likeness of God (ref. Gen. 1:26), and were free in the sense of having no condemnation, shame, or guilt in their lives (ref. Gen. 2:25). They were in constant fellowship with God, and had a spiritual connection to Him. It wasn’t until the fall in the garden of Eden that their freedom was lost due to disobedience.
Consequently, the earth became corrupt. It was no longer the perfect world that God had created for man to enjoy forever. The two people that once had everything they could ever need suddenly lost it all as a result of sin. From then on, jealousy, murder, sickness, and spiritual separation from God became every human’s reality.
God intended for every person born into the world to live a life of freedom. However, every person that was born after Adam and Eve entered the world in bondage, and in need of the Savior to liberate them [“Behold, I was shapen in iniquity; and in sin did my mother conceive me.” – Ps. 51:5 KJV]. So, humans inherited the sin nature of the first man and woman that lived on earth. Eventually, the world became so sinful that God was sorry that he had even created man!
The good news is that God knew Adam and Eve would succumb to the temptation in the garden. Their action did not take Him by surprise. Consequently, He had already provided a plan for humanity to regain freedom from sin before the sin ever occurred. The plan would be to send His only Son, Jesus into the world to reconcile humanity back to God (ref. John 3:16).
Today, every person has the choice to receive the liberation that Jesus willingly provided over 2,000 years ago when He died an horrific death on the cross at Calvary. There is no reason that anyone has to remain in bondage to sin’s stronghold, as salvation is a free gift to all who will accept Jesus as Lord. This amazing life of freedom in Christ doesn’t cost a dime! We are saved by God’s grace (ref. Ephesians 2:8).
The only thing required to receive Jesus into your life is belief in Him, and confessing Him as Lord of your life (ref. Romans 10:9). As a result, you will be set free from sin, and on your way to an abundant life in Jesus Christ. God knows what is best for humanity, and this is the way He intended us to live life. Live free in Jesus name.